There’s a new original chiptune of mine up for grabs in the Chiptunes = WIN: Vol. 8 compilation. Also, my website now has a dedicated chiptune section!
There’s a new original chiptune of mine up for grabs in the Chiptunes = WIN: Vol. 8 compilation. Also, my website now has a dedicated chiptune section!
Happy New Year, everyone! By now, even the most resilient hangover should be cured, so how about we spice up 2019 with a New Year’s resolution? As a lover of music, there are some seminal albums that I missed out on. Shame on me for that! Since I love discovering new music — new as in new to me —…
I’ve previously announced it on Facebook and Twitter, now it’s time to share it here! Legendary chiptune community/netlabel Chiptunes = WIN has just released the seventh volume of their compilation — and I’m one of the lucky 51 people to have made it onto the record. This is a tremendous honor and with my first publicly released chiptune no less! “Tides” is heavily inspired…
I’d be truly flattered if you checked it out!
Pokémon Go is a phenomenon unlike any other: the media, social networks, businesses, blogs, co-workers, even local politicians — all seem to chime in to make Pokémon Go possibly the most-discussed (and certainly most-hyped) piece of software in recent years. Either you play the game or you don’t. In any case, you can’t avoid it. And of the people who…